When we gather to worship as a church, we explore the Word of God, partake of His sacraments and sing praises to the Lord together as family and friends.
Worship is at 10:00am. The service is a musically blended service, bringing together both traditional and praise music every week. Each service can include praise songs and solos or a traditional choir. Solo pieces are included periodically. A bell choir also offers pieces every few weeks. The traditional songs are usually accompanied by an organ.
Frequently Asked Questions
What about my children?
Children are important to the life of Emanuel Lutheran Church and children are always welcome to stay with you during the worship service. The typical noise and movement of children reminds us that we are responsible for passing on our faith to our young people. There is always a children’s cart where coloring pages, books, crayons and the weekly children’s bulletin are available. However, if you prefer, a “cry room” is also available at the rear of the sanctuary with rocking chairs and a few children’s toys. The parent is still able to see and hear the service from the cry room area.
Hearing Issues?
Hearing assistance devices are available on the small table in the west narthex. Simply return them when you have finished and remember to turn them off.
Should I receive Holy Communion?
All are welcome to receive the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper at Emanuel Lutheran. The ushers will indicate when it is time for you to approach the front. If you choose not to receive Communion, please feel free to come forward for a blessing.
What should I wear to church?
There is no right way to dress at Emanuel Lutheran Church. Some people get quite dressed up and others dress more casually. Wear whatever makes you comfortable.
Do you have Sunday School?
Education Hour is provided for age three through 6th grade at 10:00 a.m. Children gather in Moerer Hall before moving to their classroom in the Education building.
Is there a social time after the service?
Please join us after the service for a cup of coffee in the Fellowship Hall. This is a great time to meet new friends.